Hangsterfer’s Excellence in Action!

Watch as Hangsterfer’s coolant is being used to machine an aluminum propeller fan blade in a Hurco 5-Axis milling center! The programming involved with machining an aluminum part this way is highly complicated, and speaks to the talents of our friends at Crotts & Saunders, who worked with us to prepare this demonstration at their open house.



The intensity of the tooling and coolant chemistry in these videos is second to none. The carbide ball mill that is plunging into the fan blade pockets is creating an incredible amount of heat and friction at 16,000 – 20,000 rpm. Without a coolant with such superior lubricity and cooling properties, this type of high-speed and high-pressure machining wouldn’t be possible. We’d like to thank Crotts & Saunders for providing this opportunity as we look forward to our future in the metalworking industry together.


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